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Flock for Sales teams

Written by Flock Editorial Team | Jul 28, 2016 6:30:00 AM

Every company has a revenue generating team a.k.a, The Rain Makers. As part of the sales team, you would be well aware of the vitality of real time updates, weekly sales reports and client meetings that bring in revenue for business. This makes addressing your collaboration needs all the more important.

Accounting for all of that, here’s how Flock can be sales teams’ trusted ally at work:

Get real time updates

As travelling for client meetings is a major part of your job, communication on-the-go is a given. With Flock, you can connect with anyone, anytime and from anywhere. Synced across multiple devices and operating systems, Flock allows you to pick up conversations, right where you left them.

Drag and Drop files seamlessly

Emails with that archaic statement- ‘Please find attached’ are a thing of the past. Now, you can simply add your clients to Flock and ‘Drag and Drop’ files of all types in the chat window. No more would you have to waste valuable time getting approvals or fetching documents, from those never ending mail trails.

Connect with remote teams

Get on a video call with up to eight members and connect across geographies from your workstation. Don’t fret if you’re in different locations (or even continents) and want to avoid the hassle of travelling to discuss client briefs.

Plug in your favorite apps

Plug in your frequently used apps such as Google Drive, Trello, Twitter and many more, into Flock to bring all your information to a single screen.

Productivity at its best with Flock apps

Your job requires you to be agile and at your productive best. Hence, make the most of Flock’s slick Reminders, Actionable To-dos, Opinion Polls and Share Note feature to organize tasks, share updates and collaborate better with teams.

While work is strenuous, communication need not be. Deploy Flock to make the most out of communication and collaboration, all on a unified platform.