What can you do with Flock?
How productive is your sales team? Take our 1-minute quiz!
Why workplace collaboration matters and how to do it right
Get the most out of your team with these six best practices.
4 easy ways to stay focused at work
Maintain momentum by keeping distractions at bay.
The Real Benefits of Team Collaboration in the Workplace
We say it all the time—collaboration is critical to your team’s success.
The 21 Best Team Building Activities
All work and no play makes… okay, okay I’ll stop!
Team building activities are crucial for building team morale and recognizing a team’s hard work. When..
8 things every leader can do to boost employee engagement
Employee engagement should be a priority at every level of your business, but the drive to achieve real change needs to come from the top.
Here are 5 signs of a micromanaging boss. Are you one?
Ask friends about what really drives them mad at their workplace, and I bet at least a few will pick micromanaging bosses instead of low pay and short..
How to find, hire, manage, and pay independent contractors
In today’s gig economy, hiring independent contractors is serious business
Why leaders should walk the talk on work-life balance
A boss that preaches punctuality, but walks in late to a meeting. Or one who criticizes employees for checking personal email during business hours, but..
3 surefire ways to hold your team accountable in the workplace
Effective communication is the first step towards taking accountability at work.
What to expect in your first week at a start up
I just wrapped up my first week at Flock, a team collaboration software startup in hypergrowth mode, and it has been a surprising and emotional journey!