Social distancing, self-quarantine, stay-at-home curfew—call it what you will—more than a third of the world’s population is already under lockdown in the..
How productive is your sales team? Take our 1-minute quiz!
Bring your files and conversations together with Dropbox and Flock
Make your file-sharing easier with Flock's Dropbox integration.
Take teamwork to the next level with Jira and Flock
Make your task management work faster using Jira in Flock.
Flock Channels 101
Everything you need to know and more about Flock Channels
With your team using Flock, you’ll start to see conversations brewing and ideas coming to life. ..
Do you text employees after hours? Should you?
“Don’t take your work home with you!” — said no one ever. But it’s nice to hear, isn’t it?
A Simple Checklist to Avoid Screen Sharing Blunders
Prevent embarrassing mistakes while screen sharing.
The 7 best free collaboration apps for small businesses
Illustration: unDraw
Collaboration apps are a dime a dozen. Probably not the right choice of words, but there are so many that it’s hard to choose the..
Fact vs. fiction: Debunking remote work myths
Working from the beach? Ha, just a bigger screen for Netflix!
New to working from home? Here's how to keep calm and get things done
Keep calm and work from home » Illustration by Bogdan Magenta
7 ridiculously fun (and free!) things to do to quarantine and chill
Quarantine and chill with video parties!
5 things business leaders can do to keep employees healthy right now
Social distancing, now » Illustration by Katerina Limpitsouni
Vinegar and Honey: The 3-Question Approach to Giving Negative Feedback
Feedback is essential to the process of doing great work.
3 things I learned working from home for two weeks
Working remotely—from the comfort of your own home or from a hammock on the beach in the Caribbean—sounds like a dream. After all, who wouldn’t want to be..
How to Harness the Quiet Potential of Your Introverted Employees
Bill Gates. Warren Buffet. Mark Zuckerberg. When you hear these names, you probably think of innovation, leadership and success, right? But what about..
Can listening to music help you do better work?
I’ve had mixed results listening to music at work. At times, I get a lot done with my headphones on. But equally as often, I find myself nodding along to..
3 Tips to Improve Your Team Check-in Meetings
Team check-ins can be fun!
Meetings are a necessary evil, they can be time sinks and productivity black holes—we’ve heard it all. Yet, meetings can be fun..
How to deal with (way) too much email
125—that's how many emails an average employee processes each day. Most are received rather than sent, and many don’t require a response. But that is a..
8 things every leader can do to boost employee engagement
Employee engagement should be a priority at every level of your business, but the drive to achieve real change needs to come from the top.