Social distancing, now » Illustration by Katerina Limpitsouni
How productive is your sales team? Take our 1-minute quiz!
Finding Strength Through the COVID-19 Crisis: Guidance from Flock's CEO
Flock is publishing an open letter CEO Bhavin Turakhia sent to entire the company in the hopes it will provide comfort and guidance during this difficult..
How Leaders Should Manage Uncertainty in the Age of COVID-19 [Guide for Managers]
Times are stressful. People don’t like uncertainty, yet we are in the midst of the most uncertain times in recent history.
A founder’s guide to team building
Culture is built from the bottom, but leadership starts at the top.
How to Test a Work From Home Day with Your Team: A Guide for Managers
Ready or not, your team is probably going remote.
How to Harness the Quiet Potential of Your Introverted Employees
Bill Gates. Warren Buffet. Mark Zuckerberg. When you hear these names, you probably think of innovation, leadership and success, right? But what about..
9 team communication tools that’ll keep your employees in sync
Talk about a dream team.
How do you communicate with your team? And how does your team best communicate?
3 ways CEOs can foster effective collaboration
Like the old saying that charity begins at home, effective collaboration within your organization begins at the top.
Business Collaboration Goes Social: 4 Things CEOs Must Know
In a recent article titled “The 3 things CEOs must do to ensure effective collaboration,” I talked about the importance of having the will to collaborate,..
Show your team some love, or don't manage people at all
Successful managers build confident and cohesive teams by making a conscious effort to engage. They do it consistently, too.
8 things every leader can do to boost employee engagement
Employee engagement should be a priority at every level of your business, but the drive to achieve real change needs to come from the top.
13 tips on how to create a happy workplace
You spend nearly a quarter of any week at work. Don’t waste those hours feeling miserable.
How to Not F*** Up Your First 90 Days as a CMO
You’re taking over as Chief Marketing Officer at a company with a mission that excites you and a story you think you can refine and sell to the world...
Here are 5 signs of a micromanaging boss. Are you one?
Ask friends about what really drives them mad at their workplace, and I bet at least a few will pick micromanaging bosses instead of low pay and short..
4 proven ways to encourage team creativity
Recently,60%of CEOs stated creativity was the most important leadership quality, nearly twice the number who cited global thinking (35%).
So, the..
How to find, hire, manage, and pay independent contractors
In today’s gig economy, hiring independent contractors is serious business
Why leaders should walk the talk on work-life balance
A boss that preaches punctuality, but walks in late to a meeting. Or one who criticizes employees for checking personal email during business hours, but..
Words matter: a simple change to fight mental health stigma
I resolved to stop using words associated with mental health (“crazy,” “mental,” “insane”) in my everyday conversations in 2020.
Top 10 technological advances of the past decade
The 2010s saw the rise of everyday technology. Social media, cloud computing, and the emergence of SaaS development companies radically changed our..
More than just chat, smarter than a messenger
Flock’s all-in-one productivity software aims to change the way small businesses and remote teams work together.